We need your old shirts and blouses for ZeroWasteFest!

ZeroWasteFest! on May 12 to 14 is getting closer! For this splendid occasion we need your old / used / not wanted shirts and blouses of all kinds, colors and styles. Our designer and up-cycling expert Alexandra Poetz will then transform these into very neat cooking aprons!

The cooking apron is the symbol of ZeroWasteFest!: how to fuse items that are about to be eliminated from the system (through being burned or used as landfill) with excellent design. Through this process of up-cycling these items, in our case the shirts and blouses are assigned a new, higher value and are kept in the system instead. One of the highlights of the concept Zero Waste Design Thinking! (Want to know more? Sign up for this event.)

So, if you feel like making a donation of shirts and blouses, contact Alexandra on Facebook. We're especially interested in donations from Graz and Vienna and other parts of Austria, since the footprints of these donations are relatively small.

As a token of appreciation we select 10 random donors, that are given goodie bags full of sustainable, desirable products!

Time for a spring cleaning in your closet? 

Spread the word! Thank you! 

PS. Thanks to Rupert Pessl for the photos of the ZeroWasteFest! team and Georg Peinhaubt for excellent graphic design.

Evelina Lundqvist

CEO & co-founder environmental and social impact agency The Good Tribe. Podcaster over at Love Zero Waste. #digitalnomad #feminist #runner #zerowaste


More about ZeroWasteFest! from Austrian Social Business Day


The Good Tribe at Austrian Social Business Day - on tape