Next stop for Brazilian politicians - Scandinavia!
The pink elephant has snuck out of the suitcase. He has really enjoyed getting to know vibrating and entrepreneurial Brazil! Six amazing months, in which The Good Tribe's first project in Brazil has been taking shape!
We are co-coordinating a nine-day innovation trip during the end of May to Scandinavia about sustainable development in general, and Zero Waste in particular. The capacity building trip is intended for Brazilian politicians and entrepreneurs that are interested in developing waste management in Brazil. As less then 4% of the waste in Brazil is being recycled today, we think that this inspiration trip is a brilliant idea!
Our collaboration partner, the chairman of the Zero Waste Brazilian Institute, Rodrigo Sabatini has initiated the trip. The Good Tribe is very much delighted to work together with the institute on this important project! It has high potential to create insightful exchanges between Brazil and Scandinavia in terms of collaboration and ideas regarding implementation of political policies, as well as initiating and supporting social ventures. The purpose of the trip is to trigger ideas, exchange knowledge, experiences, and providing concrete methods and tools for working with waste management in a creative and efficient way.
Find more information about the trip and the program in portuguese here; Lixo Zero Inovação viagem à Escandinávia. If you can't speak portuguese, but want to know more, contact Gayathri for more information, gayathri [a] thegoodtribe [dot] com.
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Boa noite!