Upcoming! – Scandinavian field-trip for Brazilian politicians
Today I had a meeting about the upcoming, Scandinavian field-trip for Brazilian politicians. The meeting was at Kretsloppsparken, an innovative recycling station in Gothenburg, it's such a creative meeting and working space, totally surrounded by beautiful, upcycled furniture and bikes! Together with our Swedish collaboration partners Pål Mårtensson from Kretsloppsparken and Elin Lutke, our Brazilian-English-Swedish translator and former waste management tour coordinator for Cirque de Soleil, we went through the next steps of the Scandinavian field trip.
The trip is for Brazilian politicians that are interested in looking at the latest innovations and thoughts around sustainable development within waste management. The trip will take place in the end of May. We will be visiting cities, enterprises, centers and organizations concerning waste and energy. It will be an intensive trip filled with a lot of energy, creativity and entrepreneurship! The purpose of the trip is to trigger ideas, exchange knowledge, experiences, receiving concrete methods and tools for working with waste management in a creative and efficient way.
More detailed information about the program is on it’s way, stay tuned!
Love! Gayathri