Interviews with Evelina and Michael from Dreamiconvalley

Dreamiconvalley A few weeks ago Michael and Evelina visited Hermann Gams and Harald "Katzi" Katzenschläger, founders of Dreamiconvalley and Dreamacademia, close to Eisenstadt in Burgenland, Austria. Above you see a photo of the view from their office. Good place to dream away.

It was a fantastic getting-to-know-each-other-day :) Great to meet with like-minded people ones in a while!

Before lunch Harald interviewed us about our dreams and what inspired us. Have a look if you want to get to know us better!

Interview with Evelina.

Interview with Michael.

Hope you've had a great beginning of the new month!

Evelina Lundqvist

CEO & co-founder environmental and social impact agency The Good Tribe. Podcaster over at Love Zero Waste. #digitalnomad #feminist #runner #zerowaste

Pinky Ele found a new friend


Towards Zero Waste by Saskia and Michael